Professional Building Inspector Route

Professional Building Inspector

Step 1

  • Applicant applies online ONLY
  • Must acknowledge Code of Conduct & Scope of Service..
  • Upload PDF documents including qualifications / CV / profile
  • Pay application fee

Step 2

  • Council screens, validates application, decides route to registration / informs applicant.

Step 3

  • Applicant receives notice to pay exam fee / attends examination centre / receives outcome.
    • If successful submits portfolio
    • Fail - 1st rewrite – pass – proceed
    • Fail for a second time – process starts from step 1

Step 4

  • Applicant attends peer review interview
    • If successful – pays PrBInsp registration and annual fee R5175
    • Unsuccessful applicants re-interviewed within six months

Step 1

Submit online application
Pay R300 application fee

Step 2

Screen / validate / CB registration route identified  

Step 3

Pay examination fee R1 100, write exam / obtain
positive outcome

Exam Failed

Rewrite Exam

Exam Passed

Peer Review Interview
Successful Pay registration and annual fee R5175 Designation awarded
